Discover the pleasure of smoking with rolls of flavored rolling papers

For a connoisseur, the senses are the most important thing. Enjoying those little great pleasures that you perceive and discover with each puff is an indescribable sensation. Therefore, you can’t just stick to a first impression or smoke any kind of material. Whether it’s cannabis or tobacco, you will surely want to experience a different… Continue reading Discover the pleasure of smoking with rolls of flavored rolling papers


Have you enjoyed the finest and most delicious rolling paper?

When it comes to the total smoking experience, all factors count. It’s not just about choosing a certain type of tobacco or cannabis, it’s also about the type of paper that wraps it all up. At King Palm we know this, which is why we differentiate ourselves from other brands by offering unique pre-rolled cones.… Continue reading Have you enjoyed the finest and most delicious rolling paper?

Todo sobre los filtros de tabaco

Traditional smoking filters have two tasks: to keep the plant inside and reduce intake of harmful substances. They are quite new invention.  The first filter has emerged from the tobacco industry. In 2025 a Hungarian named M. Boris Ayvahzh registered them in patent office and 2 years later they were available for purchase. At the… Continue reading Todo sobre los filtros de tabaco


What is a Blunt Paper?

Traditional blunt paper is made from tobacco. It can be either raw tobacco leaf or a blunt paper, made from highly pressed tobacco leaves. Therefore, it is still pure tobacco. In order to better understand what blunt paper truly is, what are its origins and how smoking it is different from joints or spliffs we… Continue reading What is a Blunt Paper?
