Discover the pleasure of smoking with rolls of flavored rolling papers

For a connoisseur, the senses are the most important thing. Enjoying those little great pleasures that you perceive and discover with each puff is an indescribable sensation. Therefore, you can’t just stick to a first impression or smoke any kind of material. Whether it’s cannabis or tobacco, you will surely want to experience a different and tasty taste. And for that, nothing like King Palm’s rolls of flavored rolling papers, also called blunt paper. Don’t settle for those brands that offer you the same sensation in every puff, but go further: light up, inhale and enjoy all the notes that are in every instant… and you will surely want more.

Flavored leaf rolls to roll up

Whether you’re alone or with company, watching your favorite series, playing a video game, reading or simply deep in thought, you’ll want to accompany the moment with a smoke. That’s all well and good, but wouldn’t you want to intensify the moment with a citrus, fruity, sweet or any other unique and special note? I’m sure you would. There are booklets of flavored rolling papers, but there are also extremely natural, delicate or intense options offered by rolls of palm leaves.

These are leaves from the Cordia tree with a flavored filter, totally natural and without a hint of additives, glues or anything that alters the flavor of the tobacco or herb. In King Palm we strive to offer you the best rolls or leaves for rolling. They have controlled humidity (62%) and a deep, intense, and perfect flavor. And all this is complemented with the original corn mouthpiece, to give a perfect closure to your sensory experience.

Unique flavored Cordia leaf rolls

When you are an expert smoker, you learn to identify every note and every change your cigarette presents, no matter if it is cannabis or tobacco. Some of the alterations may be related to the glue used on the filter or paper. Others, with the wrong type of ignition, but also when it comes to bleached paper, where the addition of chemicals subtly but noticeably alters the flavor. None of that will happen with our rolls of flavored rolling papers. At King Palm we take care of every step of the process to offer you the most natural alternative possible, starting with the fact that each flavored rolling sheet is handmade. That’s not all, but to avoid using any foreign substance, we use a band of biodegradable paper that does not alter one iota its flavor or properties. And we even go further, flavoring our filters in a totally organic way, without artificial chemicals that give you a false flavor.

Leave behind the conventional rolling papers and use flavored rolling sheets

Our rolls of rolling papers are available in three presentations, Rollie, Mini and Slim. No paper sprayed with artificial substances that give you a false flavor. Better try the Rollie version, which is a paper of smoking flavors that have terpene-infused flavor capsules that you will perceive in all its expression in each puff. To enjoy it, just squeeze the tip of the filter and you’ll feel a rush of delicious flavor in your mouth, from fruity Cherry to Gelato Cream, Peach Tree or Perfect Pear. All this in a pre-rolled flavor wrapper to fill with half a gram of product and with the bamboo presser included. We also have the Mini version of King Palm rolling papers. Their size is inversely proportional to their flavor. They are pre-rolled and give you exquisite notes in each puff, free of chemicals. Try King Palm cones and nothing will ever be the same. Choose from Banana Cream, Berry Terps, Margarita, Fruit Passion, Lemon Haze, Mango Og, Watermelon and magic Mintz.

Finally, we have our delicate and rich King Palm Slim, which are rolls of rolling papers also made of biodegradable and organic palm leaves, ready to hold up to 1.5 g of weed. You can find them in Banana Cream, Watermelon, Magic Mintz and Berry Terps flavors. Enjoy a smooth and slow burn with all the flavor that King Palm can give you.

Where to buy rolls of flavored rolling leaves?

If you are looking for a different experience, with filters that cool the smoke, making it light and delicious, with natural palm leaves and filters in a wide variety of flavors, buy them at King Palm. Because in addition, our products are respectful with nature and increase the enjoyment of the pleasure of smoking. Place your order from our website to enjoy each of the flavors and notes that we have for you in the different presentations, Rollie, Mini and Slim. We guarantee you best smoking experience.

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